Stages of Entrepreneurship (Part 1)

Stages of Entrepreneurship

Over the years, I’ve realized that there are several stages of Entrepreneurship.  I believe that within them there are several distinct characteristics that can be used to identify what stage of growth you are in.  The reason why that is important, is there are, (in my opinion) several benchmarks and steps that need to be taken in order to get to the next level.   There certainly is some overlap with some of the stages as with most things related to growth; however, in understanding truly where you are in your entrepreneurial journey can help in being able to identify what you need to focus on and what kinds of engagements you need to avoid.  

Stages of Entrepreneurship:  

Stage 1 – The Employee

Oftentimes, this is where most entrepreneurs and businesses begin.  During this stage of the process it is important for you to become comfortable with the idea of saying, “Yes.” Start saying, “yes” to new experiences; to new places, food or people.    Ever wonder what effect saying, Yes can have on your day to day life?  Check this out! This helps you find out what you DO NOT want to do.  There is a tremendous amount of power in clarity. One may ask, does that mean I say, “Yes” to items that may be difficult to handle?  Yes! Absolutely! Start saying yes to opportunities, even though you may fail at some of them. There if a valuable lesson to be learned in doing so.  Granted no one wants to fail at anything, but with all failures (especially from a business perspective) there should always be a valuable lesson learned that you should be able to immediately apply to gain future success.  
Neon Blue Stages of Entrepreneurship Say Yes
It is important during Stage 1 of the Entrepreneurial journey that you become comfortable with saying, “Yes!” or some variation

So why are they always, saying. “Yes”?

The Stage 1 Entrepreneur or the “Employee”, oftentimes will spend the vast majority of their time doing one of two things.  The are either spending their time working or spending their time chasing work. Unfortunately, for may in this particular stage of growth, there is no strategic planning behind their movements little (if any) marketing or branding effort to be acknowledged anywhere.  As such, instead of being able to target specific clients and deliver a message to them strategically, this Entrepreneur will jump at the chance for any work that may be anywhere within their respective wheelhouse of skills. Hence the importance behind being comfortable with saying, Yes.  Without a strategic plan in place for how you intend to go to market or what services/solutions your potential client base would want you will spend the vast majority of your time during this phase ironing out kinks.   For those entrepreneurs and businesses that feel as if they are in this particular phase and are actively looking for a way to get to the next level, feel free to contact Neon Blue; for 60 minutes, we do not mind having conversations about where you are, where you want to be and what you can do to get there.  Scaling without the risk has never been so easy.
Stay tuned for Stages of Entrepreneurship:  Stage 2 – The Manager

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