ITNation: Connect – Attend if you’re a MSP

ITNation: Connect is the event to attend if you’re a Managed Service Provider (MSP), in case you didn’t already know…  Point.  Blank.  Period.

Every year for a little over a decade, thousands of MSPs embark on a journey that positively impacts their businesses, challenges them to enhance their organizations, and establishes new relationships with peers and vendors.  

This year, the conference will be taking on a new meaning, as ConnectWise has continued to grow, it is now poised better than ever to be the platform for all MSPs.  With the event being the first rendition of the ITNation: Connect, this will be an event focused on Thought Leadership and aims to provide the attendees with the ability to start implementing effective processes within their organizations conceptually.

Here are 3 reasons ITNation: Connect is the event to attend if you’re a MSP:

  1. Educational opportunities. ConnectWise has breakout sessions that are for designed so that MSPs can immediately gain industry insight and knowledge so that they can effectively implement new and efficient processes within their businesses.  No matter how experienced you think you may be at business, there is always room to learn more and improve. To think otherwise is to set yourself up for failure.
  2. Networking. Industry conferences and events offer a plethora of networking opportunities.  ITNation is no exception. The break out sessions provide ample opportunity for attendees to interact and engage others just like themselves from all over the Globe.  The convention attracts IT Service Providers from the UK, the EMEAR regions and Australia as they all consider this an opportunity to make alliances and potentially expand their reach.  ITNation also serves as another mechanism to engage other consultants, developers, systems integrators and a slew of other professionals that can help in taking your company to that next level.  
  3. Encounter vendors and suppliers.  There is never a better opportunity to get in touch with Vendors and get more insight on how to leverage other solutions to better scale your operation than at a conference or trade show.  Honestly, it’s a win-win for you! You can see everyone showing off the greatest versions or betas! You may also, potentially, see a demo of the solution and how you can leverage new solutions via real-world scenarios. Ask some questions.  Maybe even make a deal here or there or a new alliance.
  4. Let loose!  We know we said there were three reasons to come, but here’s another one:  One thing is certain, the ITNation: Connect knows how to have fun! Each night of the conference there are plenty of ways to unwind and take a load off.  In previous years, there have been rooftop parties, exclusive parties at the Hard Rock Cafe, Universal Studios, and this year is expecting to be just as great as any other!  

We certainly will be looking forward to seeing what comes out of ITNation: Connect this year!

For those MSPs that are looking to really implement some of the best practices they thought would help them get to the next level, feel free to contact us!  We’d be more than happy to assist with helping you scale without the risk.

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