Branding can Impact Hiring and Retention (Part 2)

Branding can Impact Hiring and Retention 

(Part 2)

Hiring and retention engineer for your Managed Service Practice (MSP) can be extremely difficult and the fact is that branding can impact hiring and retention.  Hiring and retaining talent is important for any business; but for MSPs, it is something that can oftentimes make or break an operation. In this series, we will go over some ways that Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can develop effective hiring processes to ensure they get the best person for the job and how they can, retain team members.

Branding's Impact on Hiring and Retaining Talent 

In this series, we aim to explore how branding can effect your ability to hire and retain talent

In Part 1, we discussed how branding can impact hiring and retention for Managed Service Providers (MSPs), and how it can help with developing a foundation for your organization moving forward.  

Now let’s take it a step further now, answer the following:

  1. Which roles do you need to fill?
  2. What would make you an ideal employer?
  3. Why would your ideal candidate want to work for MSP?
  4. Who would you want to partner with?

There are 5 areas of importance from a candidate’s standpoint, that you can review and develop to ensure you are able to answer those questions and ensure top talent comes your way!

  1. Compensation:  It is important to know what you are willing and able to compensate for the position you are offering.  Additionally, fairness of compensation when compared to others in the market or field. Remember, skilled labor is not necessarily cheap and cheap labor may not necessarily be skilled.  

  2. Benefits:  Consider what kinds of benefits there would be to work with you.  Insurance? Free lunch? Exotic, all-inclusive paid vacations? Company car?  Remote opportunities? All of the above are ways that you can differentiate your organization from your competition who is also seeking equally skilled talent.

  3. Career-Paths:   You can facilitate career paths in a few ways.  Providing continuing education, consistent feedback, and an ability to progress and develop within the organization are all viable ways to address and provide employees with career paths opportunities that they may be seeking.  

  4. Work Environment:  What goes on within your organization’s walls is important.  And to be clear, the walls do not necessarily have to be literal.  The work environment can include how you opt to recognize achievements within the organization or the ability for employees to maintain a real work/life balance.  Oddly enough, the environment in which your employees live will determine whether or not you are able to hire or retain talent.

  5. Culture   Understanding how leadership, managers, and colleagues will support and collaborate with one another is paramount.  Your culture can also dictate your social responsibility to the community and the world at large. Especially if the values of the organization are exercised in its culture it ultimately becomes a win-win situation for all parties involved

Once you’ve had the opportunity to review and consider the above, then the next step involves developing processes that will allow you the ability to continue on the path and develop a process for identifying ideal candidates, hosting interviews, making a decision and eventually on boarding.  

More to come…

If you or your organization needs any assistance with reviewing how your brand is perceived internally and by potential candidates, or your are interested in what how you can ensure your organization is able to consistently attract top talent, then let’s chat.  We’d be happy to have a conversation with you about that


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